Category: Uncategorized

  • Friday May 3, 2024

    It’s been an incredibly busy few months. The killifish have started to become a bit more brave, and I’ve noticed some courtship behavior. The bettas are doing incredibly well, and we still have a number of fish available including mustard gas males and females, turquoise males and females, blue/reds and lavender, opaque and red, and…

  • More soon..

    Aquarium care for such a large number of tanks has been a much higher priority than this website, but more is coming! Killis are showing spawning behavior, Betta fry from December and January are coloring up, and even the flagfish have fry! So far so good..Pics, pages, and new fish coming..

  • Saturday 3.30.2024

    The work of keeping these fish, it’s proven to be a bit more time consuming than I enjoy lately. I still spoil these fish and truth be told even the water changes aren’t that much work- but I still find myself wishing I could be outdoors more. I will need to establish a bit of…